
2024 AGM

Summary of the year from the Chair

Steve welcomed everyone to the 18th AGM.

Steve thanked the following for their support over the year:

Thanks to Liz for Secretary role, Ben as Vice Chair and all tech help, Gail for accounts and banking, and Imogen for her support. David for cook books, banners and signage. Venetia and Alison for Big Tidy Up, Mike Rippon and Lisa for Repair Café. Shaun for PC link. Rupert – transport lead, he will be missed when they move house. Vanessa – eels, events, butterfly corridor installed, Theale Church re-wilding program, botanist report all in motion under the Wilder Churches scheme.

Thanks to Emily and Sunlit Solar for all their solar installs, support in the community and Solar 1000 project, and of course for their donations. Also thanks to The Somerset Stove Company for their support and donations and for the log burner at the farm.

Vanessa offered thanks to Steve for being the driving force behind it all and for all his hard work.

It was a shame to miss Street Fair this year, but we did lots of events – Freecycle, repair café, big tidy up.

Wedmore Village Farm has come on so much thanks to Tristan and team and to The Mens Shed. Lots of work but really coming along fantastically. Events coming up. Congrats to Tristan who is shortly to become a father. Community food being produced, supporting food banks locally. Crowdfunder currently live for kitchen to process food. Plans to grow more larger scale. Campsite. Woodfired Sauna arriving soon. Solar panels installed shortly to be connected.

Freecycle was wet but went ahead. 15 cars, gave away lots.

AGM Business

Agree roles and responsibilities, all re-voted to remain in role

  • Chair – Steve Mewes
  • Vice Chair – Ben Jacobs
  • Treasurer – Gail Millard
  • Secretary – Liz Burton

Finance – annual report

Gail provided a summary of the accounts for the year .

Upcoming Events

  • 12th October –  Somerton Wilder 2024 SWT event. All welcome, Kate will be taking the eco quilt.
  • 26th October Repair Café.
  • Big Tidy Up – 03 November 10am Suzanne’s yard.
  • Lamplight – we will have a stall in December
  • Warm in Wedmore will be running again from December so will be looking for volunteers to help host.

Future plans – activities and fundraising

Potential large project – revamping of St Mary’s church is currently underway – new heating with lower energy scheduled to be installed Feb/March. Removal of pews for more open flexible space. Previously looked at solar on north side of church, now looking at south side in order to power the heating. Salisbury cathedral, Bath Abbey, Bishops Palace all have solar now. There remains locally concern it can be seen from higher ground, but newer panels are more discreet. Consultations be good to support.

Membership scheme. Friends of…Supporter of…? SM to submit a paper proposing a regular giving scheme. Would require a new website page of key achievements, supporter page.

Funding For All application (National Lottery) for a project. Not for Worthington Woods as we don’t own/lease land. Tool Library..? Agreed to ask an open question on Facebook to understand the need and possible uptake of a tool library.

VBH – spoke to Barney re. potential project promoting no-dig gardens, help people to grow their own… 


Anthony suggested a roster of GW members to attend all PC meetings, in case something comes in our remit. Emily who was previously on the Parish Council explained they have very little power and influence. Better solution would be to re-start the arrangement where GW had an advocate on the PC who attended our meetings and fed back. Action: Anthony will speak with Shaun.

Anthony raised the meeting clash with IOW Society. Agreed next meeting would be as published, but from Jan 2025 we would switch to 3rd Thursday of month.

After the meeting the group had a useful talk and update on Rights of Way from Shelia Mckintosh. She discussed the working party looking at making paths more accessible and collaborations with The Ramblers, The Men’s Shed, the PC and Somerset Council. Everyone is urged to cut back brambles where they come across them and report damaged gates, signs etc.

Next meeting date Thursday 31 October, 7.30 at Wedmore Village Farm including a talk by Alan Rayner on Natural Inclusion