
October 22 Meeting Minutes

Many thanks to those who attended our meeting at the end of October. Please find the minutes below.

Apologies –Jean, Emily, Rupert, Liz Burton, Sarah Holloway

Liz McDonnell –

The chair mentioned the recent death of Liz and the meeting remembered her long association with and work for Green Wedmore, her eminent career as a botanist and her fellowship. Action: to consider a fitting memorial at one of the community woodlands

Finance –

The treasurer mentioned expenditure on printing the new Wild in Wedmore booklets and on public liability insurance. Income included revenue from cookbook sales and from Somerset Stove donations. There is a balance of £6467.59

It was agreed that we should look at insurance options next year as the most recent increase had been 18% Action: Gail

Instavolt donation not yet received. Action: Sonya to chase

Our regular corporate donors should be thanked and mentioned on the website Action: Ben

Events –

The Big Tidy Up – A good turnout including a big group of cubs, beavers and their parents. Lots of litter collected and much of it recycled. Action: Venetia/Alison – Date to be chosen for early spring 2023

Repair Café – 26th November. Mike Rippon reported that many of the usual repairers are not available this year and that there is doubt that it will go ahead. Action: David to contact Men’s Shed & Laura to give Mike the Glastonbury contacts. Decision shortly.

Wedmore by Lamplight – 7th December. Steve will be the lead on the GW stall. Let him know if you can commit to helping that evening. Rupert has already volunteered. Action: In addition to wrapped cook books, cookies or muffins should sell. Any bakers please contact Steve on

Wilder Wedmore – 9/10/11 June 2023. Geoff brought the meeting up to speed on the speakers, walks, talks and Bio Blitz. A separate group has formed to run this event. Please join them, email if you can help.

Transport –

No update this month and no news from the Parish Council about 20s Plenty etc. The next opportunity to make progress might be the proposed village ‘Have your Say’ event (No date yet)

Nature/Carbon –

Geoff gave an update on the plans for Wilder Wedmore

Bat boxes in the churchyard Action: Vanessa to speak to Richard Neil

Energy –

69 solar installations booked or completed. Vanessa has done a ‘70’ post and there was brief discussion about a suitable event to mark the 100 installations milestone.

Sonya reported that the new government is not pro on-shore wind and that a large scale local wind project is unlikely.

Re-confirmation that a £5,000 donation has been secured from Wedmore Community Power Co-op for ‘Warmer Wedmore Winter’ for the Village Agent to use to help those in fuel poverty.

Lendology to be invited to speak at a future meeting. Action: Vanessa to contact.

Street Light campaign. We are keeping this in the public conversation via the Isle of Wedmore News. The next opportunity to make progress might be the proposed village ‘Have your Say’ event (No date yet)

An energy advice day is also being planned for January possibly to coincide with Green Wedmore’s stint with the Warm in Wedmore scheme. Need to ensure those who need it are aware of how to get help and access grants etc so a series of articles has been appearing in the IOW News. Action: Steve will continue to pursue.


Though the 2022 Somerset Food Trail was a great success there will be a pause in 2023 as they reassess how to grow the event whilst staying more closely to the original sustainability concept. There was discussion about the possibility of Wedmore doing something independently perhaps using the Glastonbury model. Action: Laura to liaise with David to share the info, but with our energy and focus being on Wilder Wedmore in 2023, this may be too much to coordinate.


David introduced the Warm in Wedmore winter events and the meeting agreed that Green Wedmore would host one early in the New Year. Action: David to let the organisers know. A group is needed to run this.

The Men’s Shed are going to refurbish the information sign at Terry’s Wood

Following the formal meeting we had an interesting and informative talk from Deb Geraghty from the Centre for Sustainable Energy about energy saving

Next Meeting – Monday 28th November 7:30pm at St Mary’s Church.