News Newsletter

January 2024

Event Updates

Wedmore by Lamplight – Event went well, great to meet and chat to people, and update on Village Farm. Next year, maybe mulled cider or wine would go down better? Thanks to all who helped.

Warm in Wedmore – Very busy both days. Thanks to all who helped host, bake or make soup, especially David Hopkins for organising.

Isle of Wedmore Society Talk – SM will be presenting on the new Village Farm. All welcome, Thursday 25th January, 7:30pm Masonic Hall. £4 entrance. Please come and support.

Theale Churchyard Project – Launch Sunday 28th January 10am at Theale Church. Special service followed by tree planting. Everyone welcome. Well done Vanessa on this Wilder Wetmore legacy project which will include new enviro-stewardship of the burial ground, installation of bird boxes, a water butt, planning for the butterfly corridor, survey of bird visitors and more. £500 was donated by Green Wedmore for this.

Big Tidy Up – 3rd March, meet as usual at 10am in Suzanne’s Yard, Borough House, The Borough. It’s believed this will be our 15th year of Big Tidy Ups.

Freecycle – Date proposed for 14th April. SM to approach Parish Council re use of car park. DH Signage.

Wellbeing Day – To be held 4th May. Awaiting further details on times and venue, but volunteers are needed to staff a GW stand and most importantly someone to lead as Steve is away.

Repair Café – To discuss next date

Terry’s Community Orchard – Sunday 25th February at 10.30am. There will be a work party to do some pruning and replace some tree stakes. Thanks to Adam for all his work. Most importantly we will be planting some fruit trees in memory of Rob, Liz and Rosie.

Group Reports



Rupert had been put in touch with a charity On Your Bike who promote the benefits of bike use. They accept donations of old bikes and recycle them, offer maintenance courses and organise events. Suggested Wedmore host one in Spring/Summer.

Some more communication from Alistair at the PC, plans for Pilcorn Street footpath are still ongoing, possibly more Speed Indicator Devices and the 20mph limit is being discussed.


A further install has taken place at the Bowls Club, a 48kw Solar Array (120 extra panels to add to the system that they already had) plus 2xTesla Powerwalls. Sunlit have also become a sponsor at the Bowls Club. 

Sunlit Solar have recently donated a further £150 to Green Wedmore – many thanks. There have been 3 new installs this month (plus 3 more booked in) taking the total to 87. Currently installed 549.6kW.

Hopefully the Wedmore Scout Hut project will start soon (wifi issues on site). Bagley Church have had more panels installed and Badgworth Village Hall have just received a grant.  

Ben advised that he had recently taken part in a domestic smart meter trial (Demand Flexibility Service) and suggested it was very interesting and beneficial if anyone is offered a trial by their provider. More info here

Wilder Wedmore

The youth bursary fund for young people to apply with their own nature projects has been launched. Closing date is 18 February. It has been promoted to schools, youth groups and in the IOW News. Full details here

Vanessa and Geoff recently attended a meeting with Berrow Conservation Group, very positive feedback.


Good work party over Christmas at Worthington Woods. Will Jackson soon to start mowing, with wider paths and more access routes. This is being funded by the Food Forest Project.

SM mentioned an excellent Adaptation toolkit which he will re-introduce at a future meeting for workshopping. It is currently being trialled with Glastonbury Action Plan.

SM has met a local Green Wall installer and keen to explore possible options for Wedmore.



The Wedmore Village Farm is moving apace. A crowdfunder has been launched Other funding applications are in. It’s possible Green Wedmore may offer a loan, awaiting more details on the financials. To be discussed further.

SM to deliver talk to IOW Society on the plans. Provisional official launch date of 26th March has been set. Everyone welcome to go and visit and see progress.


Kate is currently working on an ‘Enviro Quilt’ a handmade quilt featuring lots of different eco issues. She stated it would be available to local groups to borrow and display when finished. Anyone interested in finding out more please email

News of the potential closure of Cheddar Recycling Centre. Petition has been launched

Melvyn expressed concerns about the acoustics at the Bluebird. He is finding it difficult to hear. Possible options for a new venue – Theale Village Hall, Blackford Village Hall, Parish Council Office.

Still vacancies for the post of Vice Chair at Joint Secretary. Imogen volunteered to take on Joint Sec role, at least until September. Ben has offered to take on the Vice Chair post. Huge thanks to both.

Vanessa advised that there is a log beehive workshop day at Plotgate Farm on 25th February and Chalice Well, the World Peace Garden in Glastonbury are keen to have one too.

Next meeting – Thursday 29th February 2024 7:30pm (venue to be advised)