News Newsletter

AGM September 2023

Chair’s Annual Review  

A very busy year

  • Another two Freecycle Days keeping stuff out of landfill and providing convivial village events
  • Green Wedmore’s participation in the successful ‘Warm in Wedmore’ last winter
  • A busy Street Fair (On show for the first time GW’s new stand signs)
  • The Solar 1000 rolls along well with close to 80 installations and generous donations from Sunlit Solar to GW funds
  • A well-attended Repair Café
  • Thanks to Jan at The Cottage Gallery, the cookbook continues to sell, encouraging a focus on local produce and shops … and giving GW steady revenue
  • The magnificent Wilder Wedmore weekend that focussed the village on nature and created a solid legacy – most notably the Serp Eel project 
  • The Community Power Co-op achieved its’ 10th anniversary. Over £100,000 already given back to the community in grants
  • 2 Big Tidy Up days that were well supported
  • There have been work parties at Worthington Woods and Terry’s Wood. Increasingly the woods are now used by groups such as the Guides and a Forest School
  • The imminent news about the launch of Wedmore Community Farm

Nomination For Key Posts – 

  • Sonya is moving and will not continue as Vice Chair. The group recognised her enormous contribution to GW. Action – Please speak to SM if you would like to take on this role
  • Chair Action – SM invited everyone to consider putting themselves forward for the Chair role but he will continue in the meantime
  • Minutes & Agenda group emails. Ben has agreed to taking on this role protem alongside his website role. Many thanks to Nikki for handling this so well to date
  • Gail has agreed to continue at Treasurer
  • David and Liz have agreed to continue as joint Secretary

Event Updates – 

Big Tidy Up – Sunday 5th November from 10am at Borough Yard. Action – All come if you can and spread the word. Contact Venetia 07967 660040

Repair Café – Saturday 11th November. Action – All … please opt into helping with the registration and Café, please let Steve know if interested. Mike R is gathering the mender team

Warm in Wedmore – date TBC. GW have undertaken to host a Wednesday/Thursday during the winter. The Wedmore Community Power Co-op are funding the Masonic Hall rental. Action – DH to let the group know the dates when confirmed

Terry’s Community Orchard – Sunday 3rd December at 10.30am. There will be a work party to do some pruning and replace some tree stakes.

Zero Carbon Group Reports –


No news on the 20mph this month Action – Rupert to report back next month. 

Informal comments from the PC Chair indicate that the Pilcorn St footpath project is progressing.

Somerset Bus Partnership will have a stall outside the Village Store on Saturday 30th September. Action – All try to go down and get involved.


The Wedmore Community Farm: The preparation work is nearly complete and a lease with the owner is about to be signed. The Men’s Shed will share the farm premises. A full update on the plans and strategy should be available at the next meeting. Action – SM and DH


Emily told the meeting that close to 80 installations are complete with more in the pipeline. SM pointed out that about 15% of all homes in Wedmore now have PV panels. These, together with the 2 solar power paddocks, represent a considerable village achievement.

Action – SM and EM are planning a publicity campaign this autumn.


Worthington Woods and Terry’s Community Orchard

Dovecote School in Shapwick will be using the woods for their Forest School.

The sedum roof of the shelter has been mended/adjusted. The recent work party was successful but was not well attended – Action – can group members consider committing to a couple of hours now and again to keep this special place a haven of peace and nature. 

SM & DH had a meeting with the PC Chair to tidy up the agreements between the PC and GW.

There will be a work party at Terry’s Community Orchard on Sunday 3rd December at 10.30am to do some pruning and replace some tree stakes.

Phillipa is arranging replacement trees to be planted to remember our friends Rob, Liz and Rosie

SM referenced Adam Caunt’s huge and essential help at Terry’s Wood

SERP Eel Project:

A major announcement is imminent Action – VBH and GC to update the group when appropriate. VBH stressed that Green Wedmore are central to activity locally. She updated the meeting on the rope making workshop (ropes that help eels around barriers) and about a recent meeting in Cheddar. Run by the Wildlife Trust on 14th October, there is an event at the Canalside, Bridgwater to celebrate community nature projects including a piece from Vanessa/Geoff on the cultural importance of eels with stories and talks.

Does anyone know where we can get some fishtanks? Action – All

Wilder Wedmore Future:

There will be a meeting soon to discuss possible one off events to maintain the momentum. Action – VBH and GC. A full weekend festival is not envisaged in the near future.


Liz mentioned the Weston Hospicecare BIG DROP event on Saturday 30th Septrember. 

Next meeting – Thursday 26th October at our new venue The Bluebird Café.

NB Usually meetings will henceforth be on the last Thursday of the month