
March Update 2023

Green Wedmore Meeting Summary – 27 March 2023

Another great meeting this month.

Following the business meeting Andrew Kerr from the Sustainable Eel Group and eel fishers from Steve Beard & Co gave a talk about the future of Eels in our area.

A copy of Andrew’s presentation can be found here.

Andrew gave a fascinating introduction to the eel’s complex lifecycle, challenges including habitat loss, migration barriers, climate change, water pumps, over fishing and trafficking and disease and pollution. Andrew introduced the eel release program  ((TWWERP) and the involvement of the local schools that will culminate in a release during Wilder Wedmore.

Outstanding Actions –

Parish Council – Action – Steve will continue to try to make contact with the PC Chair

On Street Recycling Bins – Awaiting conversations with the landlord of the Borough Mall. Action – Steve still working on this

Worthington Woods ‘Honesty’ QR Code – Board with QR code ordered

Community Farm – Steve updated the meeting. Plans are coming together with a potential grower and work on a business plan, the lease and fundraising should see an autumn start

Event Updates –

Big Tidy Up – A late autumn date to be decided.

Worthington Woods work party – Mike is now undertaking 2 hours every two weeks to supplement the work parties. Next work party date to be fixed.

Freecycle – Steve reported on another successful event. Next date to be decided.

Wilder Wedmore Festival – 9th, 10th, 11th June. Geoff gave an update of events. More volunteers needed.

Repair Café – Saturday 11th November. Mike Rippon leading.

Zero Carbon Group Reports


No update this month


No update this month

Energy –

Emily reported 6 completed installations. From May Sunlit will have additional capacity and GW have undertaken to help promote with social media

Nature/Carbon –

No update this month

AOB – None this month

Next Meeting – The next meeting will be on Monday 24th April at St Mary’s.