
Updates June 2022

We have had a busy month!

Cost of Living Community Support
This winter will be a struggle for many. Plans are afoot to help through the Community Council for Somerset’s Village Agent Scheme. Watch out for how you can help.

Worthington Woods Food Forest
Along with 16 other venues in the Wedmore Cluster, the Food Forest welcomed visitors from all over the county to the 2022 Somerset Food Trail. Visitors were able to see how this derelict corner of the village is steadily evolving into a haven of calm and nature.
If you have not been down there yet come and see the sights and sounds of nature – including fruits and berries for you to pick and enjoy, two outdoor meeting areas, bird boxes, bat boxes, hedgehog boxes and bee/bug hotels nestled in amongst the fruit trees
and fruit bushes.
If you have time to take on a specific task, please contact us. Otherwise see you perhaps at the regular monthly get togethers/work parties on the first Saturday on each month from 4pm …. Next one on the 6th August.

The ‘Close to Home’ village cookbooks
On sale at The Cottage Gallery, at The Swan and at The Valley Smokehouse at The
Wheatsheaf. A great present that exemplifies our village’s community spirit and energy

Terry’s Community Woods and Orchard
A big shout out to Adam Caunt, Rob Richley, and to a team of volunteers who are doing a
marvellous job maintaining and enhancing this magical spot. It’s just 15 minutes’ walk to
the east of the village. If you have not yet been there, have a look at the website for the
route and watch out for work parties soon

Wedmore Community Mapping – Somerset Environmental Records Centre (SERC)
Let’s record our nature data so we can show that our natural environment bouncing back in
Green Wedmore, collaborating with SERC, has launched the Wedmore Community Mapping scheme so everyone with a smart phone can learn and record all the amazing plants and animals we have in the parish. More information is on the SERC website here; . To take part you just need to register for iNaturalist on your computer here;  before downloading the iNaturalist and Seek apps on your phone (more info on those phone apps can be found here

Wellbeing Day – Saturday 17 th September
Along with many of the clubs and associations in the village, Green Wedmore will have a stand where you can talk to active members, learn what is going on and perhaps be enthused to join us.

The Autumn Big Tidy Up – Sunday 30 th October
Join us for the autumn village tidy up. With fresh impetus from Blackford, many new helpers from Wedmore and re-equipped by a donation of litter pickers from Thatchers Cider, we are well set to help keep the roads and lanes around the village clean and cared

Repair Café – a late autumn Saturday to be confirmed
There is a new hand on the tiller so look out for the return of the Repair Café – probably on the last Saturday in November.
If you are handy at mending things, please contact Green Wedmore and lend us a hand as we try to give fresh life to worn and damaged items

A Community Supported Agriculture Scheme for Wedmore?

Following an inspirational visit to Plotgate farm in Barton St. David in July, join us soon as we visit other community farms in the county that might serve as a template for something similar in Wedmore.

Parish Council
The Parish Council do a great deal to support Green Wedmore and our local environment. They are short of councilors at present – can you play a part by becoming a parish councilor and help maintain the green momentum?

Green Wedmore Meetings
On the last Monday of every month at St Mary’s at 7.30pm ….. or at Worthington Woods Food Forest if the weather is good!
Come along to see how you can help